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Frequently Asked Questions

Here you will find answers to all your questions related to currency exchange in Thailand.

Write to our manager in any convenient for you messenger.

We reply within 3 minutes.

We exchange cash/cashless funds by courier delivery at a pre-agreed rate. The exchange takes place on the spot, in the personal presence of the client. This makes the exchange 100% guaranteed safe for the client.

Senate Exchange is a network of licensed exchange offices! You can make a safe exchange of any sums by any convenient way.

We send and receive transfers all over the world!

  1. We send non-cash baht to your Thai account.
  2. We deliver by courier throughout the city and beyond.
  3. Cardless ATM withdrawal via cardless function

Choose a suitable method and contact us conveniently.

Our partners in 13 cities in Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, Europe, UAE and many other countries will accept your cash which we will convert for you into cash/cashless baht or other currencies on Phuket Island!

Got questions? In doubt?

Got questions? In doubt?

Ask a question on the website or Telegram / WhatsApp and our manager will reply within 3 minutes.

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